Monday, 9 May 2011

Information system used in Wal-Mart(part3)

    Cross Docking:   
Wal-Mart has invested heavily in its unique cross-docking inventory system. Cross docking has enabled Wal-Mart to achieve economies of scale, which reduces its costs of sales. With this system, goods are continuously delivered to stores within 48 hours and often without having to inventory them. The manufacturer directly forwarded the goods to a place called the ´staging area. The goods are packed there according to the orders received from different stores and then directly sent to the respective customers.
Lower prices also eliminate the expense of frequent sales promotions and sales are more predictable. Cross docking gives the individual managers more control at the store level.

    Voice-Based Order Filling (VOF)

In1998, Wal-Mart installed a voice-based order filling (VOF) system in all its grocery distribution centers. Each person responsible for order picking was provided with a microphone/speaker headset, connected to the portable (VOF) system that could be worn on waist belt.
They were guided by the voice to item locations in the distribution centers.
The VOF system also verified quantities picked, and could respond to a variety of requests such as providing product detail (type, price, barcode number, etc.)

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